
When you start a new business all by yourself or with a couple of partners, there are a lot of factors to consider and plan ahead for growing your venture.

For today’s podcast, we have MP Sriram, Co-founder at Aventus Partners, a 12-year-old HR firm.

For advancing in your business, resolving conflicts before they even arise and maintaining a healthy balance, Sriram would be the best person to lead your path as he has been helping entrepreneurs grow for the last 12 years.

Tune in for the words of wisdom from Sriram.

Podcast Highlights:

00:10 – Introduction.
01:20 – Role at Aventus Partners.
02:30 – Progress of Aventus Partners.
03:11 – When clients approach Aventus Partners.
03:32 – How can one effectively work with co-founders.
12:48 – Defining the values.
15:12 – How can an entrepreneur enjoy their vacation without stressing about work.
19:38 – Setting the right expectations.
23:54 – What is a business model.
26:02 – Creating a predictable pipeline
33:17 – Summary


Special thanks to M.P Sriram for joining this amazing episode. This is incredibly advantageous if you have your own podcast to promote, since the audience is already listening to podcasts, meaning they’re much more likely to subscribe to your own podcast.


M.P Sriram


A founding Partner at Aventus Partners (2007) Sriram has been pursuing his purpose for over 25 years by designing interventions that address various organizational, business and people challenges. .


RK: Hi everyone, I’d like you to introduce you to MP Sriram, a founding partner at Aventus Partners, Who is based out of Kochi, Sriram can you please introduce yourself to my audience, please.

Sriram: Sure. Thanks. Hi, everyone. I am Sriram. I work as a partner at Aventus Partners. Aventus is a consulting firm that has been in business for over 12 years now. I personally have been working for the last 25 years or if it’s the last 12 have been with Aventus.

At Aventus, I lead the performance people and change practice and I’m essentially responsible for ensuring that my clients who are basically organizations are able to articulate and sustain changes as this fight to realize meaningful goals.

I also work with co-founders of organizations to ensure that differences do not become conflicts and help them resolve their conflicts in case of an event of their conflicts escalating. So, these are essentially the two themes on which I focus on this.

And I along with my team, which includes my team members here in Kochi as well as in Delhi, we serve our clients around these dimensions.

There are broadly three areas in which we intervene and we intervene depending upon the needs of the specific context. 

So one, we ensure that there is clarity among the key people in the organization in terms of their strategy, clarity in terms of the goals, in terms of the culture that they are trying to build, as well as in terms of solutions to some of those organizations in business challenges that they grapple with.

The second area in which we intervene as in terms of aligning their key people to the strategy, aligning their people to their goals as well as a culture that they are trying to build, essentially, through changes in the way that they are organized, it could be changes in terms of the organization structure, it could be changing in terms of the role responsibilities, decision authorities, in terms of the way performance expectations are set, it could be in terms of reward mechanisms. 

So this is the second part in which we intervene.

 The third way in which we intervene is that we enable specific individuals within that organization, understand what it takes to deliver high performance within their context and help them make those necessary changes to deliver on the type of performance. 

So, this is broadly what we do. And over the period of the last 12 years, our range of clients has expanded from large private and public sector corporations to high growth emerging companies. 

Typically companies between the 500 to 2000 crore across provinces model but which are looking to the scale upright and capitalize on the potential. 

We also have been of significant value to medium and small enterprises in the last couple of years in their efforts and growing, and clients have included organizations in the technology space in the financial services space, as well as in the hospitality and the and the healthcare verticals. 

So this is essentially what we do and clients come to us when they are either unable to realize their goals or trying to bridge the gap between their performance and their potential. So this broadly is what we do at Aventus Partners specifically within the people’s performance and change practice that I lead.

RK: Excellent. Thank you so much Sriram. So you mentioned about co-founders in your introduction just now. 

So my first question is this. How can one effectively work with co-founders?

Sriram: Okay! So let me try and answer that from two perspectives.

RK: Okay.

Sriram: One is let me use some of my personal experiences. Because there are three of us who co-founded Aventus Partners. And in some way, it’s a long-distance relationship because two of them are based in Delhi and I’m personally based in Kochi. 

I will also use some of the learnings that I have gathered from various client contexts. 

So the way I see it is that there are going to be differences between co-founders, we are all different human beings right? There are differences. There are differences among us. In two ways, we are different in terms of our worldviews, we are also different in terms of our personalities. 

The earlier we are a guru to understand and recognize these differences, the better for us, right? And this has to be a conscious effort. The more we are able to understand our worldviews, the more we are able to understand the world views of our partners, as well as the way we are able to understand our own personality differences makes a huge difference.

A couple of things happen in this process as you try and do this one, you start becoming far more appreciative about the perspectives of the other two. 

You also know what are the things on which you need to be flexible about and one of the things on which you need to be inflexible about and this actually sets the ground for a successful relationship to blossom right, having said that, there are there are various triggers which could arise during the lifetime of an organization in terms of the relationship between the co-founders and unconsciously calling the triggers, because these are triggers, which could actually spark off a conflict between the CO owners, right, therefore, being sensitive to some of these triggers is extremely important.

Now, some of the triggers that I have realized are our triggers, which are highly personal to individuals. So it could be as the organization grows, our role responsibilities start changing, It’s possible that some people start pulling in more weight than the others. 

It could be that there is one person who’s actually bringing in the customers and the others are managing the backend of the organization and there could be strains that could arise in that relationship because of the same because the person who is bringing in the customers, the person who’s bringing in the revenue, many times might start believing that, that he or she is possibly getting the wrong side of the stick. 

Because in most partnerships, typically all the rewards are equally shared between the co-owners right? Therefore being cognizant to some of these beings are cognizant of some of these triggers is extremely important in the lifetime of the organization. Now, I will just talk about how we address some of these in a bit. 

But triggers is one thing is a second thing that you need to be conscious about as a co-founder. The next thing that is important for you to recognize is that you’ll be, you’ll be conscious of some of the inflection points that come in our journey. 

Right now, I’m consciously using the word inflection point because in our journeys, it’s possible that one partner decides to drop out, we decided to maybe actually have in up a new partner into the organization, right? It’s possible that we open a new location, new geography, these are all potential inflection points that could happen in our lifetime as an organization, especially in our journey between our partners. And therefore, planning and preparing for these becomes extremely important. 

So, my learning and therefore my advice to people who venture down this path is that you need to put some basic processes in place, right to not take anything for granted. Even if you are a small organization, maybe five people, ten people, we have a couple of partners, we have more than two partners, right, laying down the clear ground rules in terms of saying who’s going to be doing what right, what is the decision-maker?

RK: Is it enough that we have the co-founders talk to them about each other? 

I mean, like in a vocal way or do you think it needs to be documented and it needs to be there needs to be some formal contract signed in between them? What do you recommend?

Sriram: Wonderful, thanks for raising that. So I think there are two parts to the process, the right one is this process of constant dialogue. 

One is this process of ensuring that there is constant communication between the co-founders, right. And I’m consciously stressing on communication because I don’t think the importance of that can ever be undervalued. 

Just to give you a small example, let’s say there is typically… there would be one co-founder who’s responsible for overseeing the finances of the organization, why the books of accounts of the organization theoretically open to all the co-founders ?

There could be many a time, especially during periods when you’re going through a rough patch, where the other co-founders might start subconsciously believing or start getting a little restless in terms of the way money is being spent in the organization, but still not be comfortable enough to come forward and talk to their co-founders in terms of say “hey, what the hell is really happening?” 

So I would say having clearly defined formal channels of communication becomes extremely important, right? So whether it’s scheduling a weekly formal call, right? Whether it is having those periodic quarterly retreats wherein you get quality time to spend with each other so that you understand each other as individuals, you can talk about some of those tiny issues that just become extremely important.

That’s one part of the equation. Right? The other part of the equation is in terms of documenting this, right? Again, that’s something that is extremely critical, because what typically happens in many of these relationships is to start off on a good note, right? So you assume that things are going to remain the way they are going to remain going forward.

And I will take an example to illustrate this. illustrate this for you. So around seven years back, they were a couple of co-founders of a fairly successful financial services organization who had reached out to me for help, right. And they had started out as a very small entity seven years back and the organization had grown in size and scale over a period of seven years. And as happens in most of these cases, there was no formal agreement between the two of them, to the extent that there’s no formal written agreement even in terms of who holds what kind of shareholding in the organization. And they reached a point of time when one co-owner believed that he was actually pulling the entire ship forward and the other co-owner was a silent partner. 

He wanted to dissolve the relationship but wanted to dissolve the relationship in a manner in which it is fair to both the parties right now, they reached out to me because they wanted my help and intervention in terms of ensuring that the resolution happens in a fair manner.

But the reason I’m sharing that example is that this underlines the need for documenting things and what you document doesn’t take anything for granted would be my first piece of advice, right?

Everything needs to be in black and white. So whether it is in terms of the percentage of shareholding that you’re going to have in the enterprise right what kind of remuneration. 

RK: You have given for that matter role descriptions, right. Like each partner. 

Sriram: Most certainly

RK: What functions are they going to perform at the company? 

And how do we measure the progress? 

All these things are very important to be documented? Isn’t it?

Sriram: Most certainly every single process and system that you typically want to have as far as your employees are concerned, right? It is imperative that you have those systems and processes in place in the co-founders? 

So whether it is right from ensuring that you have the financials in place agreement in place in terms of saying, who brings in what kind of equity into the organization, right, who’s going to bring in the hard cash, who’s going to bring in sweat equity.

Therefore, in terms of the books of account to the organization, what is the kind of shareholding that each one is going to have?

 What is going to be what are going to be the roles and responsibilities of each one?

How does this mission fit with the overall business plan of the organization? 

Are there going to be any gaps in terms of the functional responsibilities?

What is going to be the fixed pay that each one of us is going to draw?

What is going to be the performance-based pay? 

What are going to be the metrics that are going to be used to determine this? 

All this becomes extremely important. Also important would be in terms of saying what are the purposes that we are going to be eligible for?

What are the kind of cash withdrawals that we are eligible for from the organization? 

What is the kind of role that we have in the decision-making process within the organization in the sense, who is going to be responsible for hiring employees, right? 

Who’s going to be responsible for making purchases? 

What decisions need to be collective decisions?

What decisions can be left to individuals, document discussing these things, documenting these things become extremely imperative. 

I’m just sharing with you some of these tips to give you a flavor and while it is… if the co-owners can do this between them nothing like it right. But I think there is no harm in reaching out to a professional who could help them out in terms of defining these boundaries.

So that, that is clearly laid out. And I think the third thing which sometimes is completely missed out in this process, is Defining the values and the culture of that organization. Now, I think this is extreme.

So I’m going to make a difference, I’m going to make a distinction between the vision and the values here, right? My learning has been that the vision evolves over a period of time. 

Very rarely do you have an organization wherein you have the co-founders who are able to clearly articulate the vision on day one. And it’s the same vision that they hold on to 10 years down the line, right, my learning has been that that vision would evolve over a period of time and that’s a process. 

So when I’m making a distinction between vision and values, and the culture here, I’m consciously making a distinction between value and culture of what is going to be the fundamental framework of the organization. 

And the way I have learned to distinguish them is that you have three kinds of values. 

You have what I would call core values which are inviolable, right. So anyway, who violates his core values does not have a place any more of the organization. 

Then you have what I would call the service delivery values, which ensure that you are able to deliver whatever you’re promising to deliver. 

And third would be your growth values, which will essentially drive the organization. So these are some of the things that I would say you need to clearly document and put in place, right.

 And the process can take its time, I’m not saying this needs to be done within the first 15 days of the organization, but there are certain things that you need to agree on at the outset. And there are certain things that can evolve over a period of time. 

RK: Perfect! This is excellent, this is great information, I think, just for the defining cultural aspect of it, I think we can go on talk about it for at least 30 minutes, you know, especially on only on the culture-building part of it. 

Sriram: Yeah!

RK: What I’ve seen in my journey so far has been this, you know, for the first five years, six years of my business, I never had to even think about it. 

Sriram: Yeah!

RK: Because we were still in the early stages and we were still finding our core strength and things it did occur to me that so but at least these days when people start you know the startups I think people are more aware of all these before in a than a few years ago.

Sriram: Sure

RK: That is great information like I think we also went and touched upon a few other very important points when you spoke about co-founders.


RK: But there is also this other question that comes to my mind, a lot of these entrepreneurs, right, like, are they? They equate their life as their business, right? So when they want to take a break from work for some reason, they feel very, they feel very, very stressed about what will happen back there at the office when they are not there. 

So in the end, they don’t enjoy it. So my question is, how do entrepreneurs enjoy their vacation without being stressed about work? 

Sriram: Okay, I think that is a rather interesting thread that you have, you’ve taken RK. Let me try and let me try and share some insights. 

So it is a business reality that entrepreneurs fight multiple battles literally on a day in day out basis, right. And most of us, as co-owners of businesses, or as founders of the businesses, believe that we are indispensable for the organization. 

And I believe it’s a conscious choice in terms of the kind of organization that you’re trying to create. 

Now, you! It starts with what is the value proposition of the business? 

Does the value proposition of the business hinge with an individual? 

Or does the value proposition of the organization hinges with a group of people or a set of processes that you have within your organization which are bonded/delivered on that proposition? 

It’s a huge ego kick for most of us to say that the clients come for us personally, especially some of us who are therein, in professional services, whether we are accountants, whether we are lawyers, whether it be marketing or business consultants, or whether we are changing HR consultants like me, right? 

Many of us would like to believe that clients come to us individually for our skill sets, right? And that that I think, is at the root cause of most of our problems.

So I think, one needs to strike a balance, and therefore being conscious in terms of the kind of processes that you’re creating becomes extremely important. 

It starts The messaging that you are passing out to the external world, right? So when you’re passing out a message to an external world in terms of when they’re hiring you, are they hiring you as an individual? Are they hiring you as a firm? It starts with that. 

If they’re if you’re going to send a message saying that you’re going to hire me as an individual, I am the one who’s going to be delivering on that value proposition, then more often than not, the client is going to rely on you and in the clients mind, anyone else within your firm or in your system is not good enough to deliver on that value. 

So I think it starts with that. Now, having said that, I think the second part of the equation is in terms of consciously How are you able to build your internal processes so that there are capabilities which are being developed within your people to deliver on the value proposition.

I think that becomes extremely important. That also could mean taking a certain amount of risks right. Now again, I would like to illustrate my own personal experience because I have struggled with this for a few years right and I think I have finally been able to make that transition.

It’s done wonders for me. And for me, that transition started with first acknowledging and realizing saying that there is only so much that I can do and there is only so much value that I can add to people right if the professional services are going to be hinged on my own personal expertise, right.

And consciously five years back, I consciously chose to develop skill sets of a certain set of people in my team. So, while my practice continues to be small in terms of the number of people, I can very confidently say that at any given point of time, there are at least four people within my organization who can do most of the most of what I can render to my clients. 

So my internal processes are being developed in such a way that my people are being given the opportunity. 

I take some risks in that process, but it’s a conscious risk that I’m taking. I expose the team members to the clients.

People have surprised me big time they have lived up to the opportunity that they have been given and they have been delivered they have been delivering value.

So I would say therefore there are two parts of the equation, right. 

So if you really want to enjoy your holiday as an entrepreneur, I would say it depends on how you are indicative of the value proposition and the kind of internal capabilities that you’re delivering to develop that to deliver that value proposition.

That’s essentially my way of trying to crack that problem.


RK: So you actually touched upon a very important point, which is setting the right expectations to the client. So your messaging has to be in such a way that how you’re positioning yourself or your firm, right?

Sriram: Yep!

RK: You’re setting the right expectations for the client. It’s still something which everybody knows that it is very important.

But when we go with the flow, we often forget that we have to set some standards right on the record, and things like that show, especially for creative agencies, talking about the state of agencies wherein the consistency of the standards can always vary.

What do you recommend that these agencies schools, creativity largely be based upon the founder? Right? how can these agencies go about standardizing the procedures or standardizing the quality?

Sriram: Okay. So let me see whether I’ve understood your question clearly.

The question is in creative services where the output to a great extent is hinged on the skill sets of one person. Yes. Which could be the founder.

How do you do? How do you develop processes that ensure that there is consistency in quality?

RK: Yes! as a result of which, even if the founder is not in the business is not physically available to deal with the projects?

Yeah, still the founder should be able to go and take a vacation without thinking too much about this quality is not meeting the standards expectations.

Sriram: Okay, fair enough. So, I would say it’s like a, like I just mentioned a little while earlier.

It’s a question of what is the role that you define for your associates. So many of these agencies which are driven by one individual, right, who is the superstar of that agency could either be it could either be the founder or it could be one of the employees in the agency. was a superstar, right?

Again, it’s a question of what kind of organization are you trying to build?

Are you trying to build an organization of a superstar?

Or are you trying to build an organization which is through a process, I would deliver a specifically defined output, right?

And it goes to the root of that. It goes, therefore, to the root of the kind of people that you’re hiring in your organization, you hiring associates who are just going to be implementers of whatever decisions that you take and whatever brief that you give them or specific instructions that you give them?

Or are they going to be people who are going to be working towards an outcome with a great amount of liberty in terms of determining the process that they will follow in determining the outcome?

So, therefore, I think the root of that would be the question in terms of saying, Are you hiring people for activities?

Are you hiring people for outcomes?

And therefore the intellect and the skills that they bring along with it right, that would, therefore define the kind of organization that you are building, again, do not get me wrong, I am not placing any value judgment here.

I would say this is a call that depends to a great extent on the comfort level of each one of us as individuals and how we are programmed to be right.

It depends upon our orientation, depends upon our own preferences, right, in terms of what kind of organization that you want to build, and what kind of professional capabilities Do you want to be seen for? So I think that is where the whole thing would like.

RK: Right. Very well mentioned, actually, because a lot of times, the businesses to build a business model itself will take a few years to understand, you know, the very sophisticated nuance.

So, as you said, You know, I also can think about it this way, the business model, if it is largely dependent or driven by creatives or is it lastly driven by processes, and it’s just following a set of instructions. Right. So I think fundamentally, someone also has to go and look at the relook at the business model also to make changes, isn’t it?

Sriram: Sure. So, it is, again, what is a business model?

If I go back to the root of what a business model is…

This is my understanding of a business model… There are four elements of the business model.

One, how do you deliver value to your customers.

Two, How are you delivering value different from that of your peers and your competitors.

Part three is in terms of how do you deliver this value.

What is the unique combination of processes that you follow?

What are those unique skills that you deploy in that process for you to deliver value?

When I’m talking about the unique combination of skills, we’re talking about a unique combination of people and their skills.

So it’s an interplay of the unique processes that you would have as an organization, and your unique value proposition in terms of how you deploy the skills of your people, which helps you deliver on that value to the client while making profits for yourself and your stakeholders.

There is no point in having a business model that doesn’t make money for the stakeholders, including the employees in the world.

So which is the fourth element of your business model, right?

So, therefore, I don’t think it’s an either-or of the process or the people in what I would say it’s a combination of how uniquely you are able to define your own processes, how uniquely you are able to use the skill sets of your people to deliver value to your customers and your clients.

In the process makes efficient profits and value for yourself and for the people who work along with you. That’s why I would see that as a business model, and I hope in that articulation of the business model I have been able to address this question in terms of say, is it the process? Or is it the people that matter and the creative in a creative form?

RK: Absolutely! So I really like the way that you holistically approach the business from all angles. That is great.

Sriram: Wonderful.

RK: Thank you for sharing that. And here’s another question for you. In spite of working hard, right, a lot of entrepreneurs say that they don’t have a Predictable Revenue pipeline. They go to the office, they’re probably the first person to be in the office, and they’re probably the last person to leave the office. Right. And public holidays and things don’t matter.

Sriram: Yeah.

RK: So where are these entrepreneurs going wrong? Why are they working so hard, but not able to create a consistent or Predictable Revenue pipeline?

Sriram: Okay.

There could be multiple reasons as to why an organization is not able to create a predictable pipeline, but let me try and let me try and focus on one specific aspect, which I think has a huge role to play in a predictable pipeline for an organization.

That to me is again in terms of what is kind of relationship that you have with your customers? What is the problem? Or what are the problems that you are trying to solve for your customers? Is your relationship with your customers a purely transactional one, wherein you are called to execute a specific particular breed for a client? Or is your relationship more problem-solving in nature, or in the client has been in the client is grappling with a particular problem, right? And he needs your help in terms of finding solutions to that problem, and possibly in terms of implementing those solutions.

The reason I made it, I’m making this distinction, right is because if you have a relationship that’s a transaction, the probability that the client has the option of going to multiple service providers is that much higher.

What also happened in that case, is that the duration of your engagements and your project is clearly defined within a specifically defined time frame within a specifically defined cost.

While that is absolutely important for the health of a business, right, it’s a question of how do you approach a relationship with a client? It’s a question of how do you look at your value proposition as a service provider to apply? Now, if I am going to look at even if I’m going to look at my…

This is a challenge most entrepreneurs face.

But I think if you start approaching your entire business and the value that you’re going to be delivering to your prospective customers from a long term orientation in terms of saying, whatever work I’m doing, whatever value that I am adding to an organization or to a client, this to fundamentally All certain long term problems are long term problems of this. In the process of solving those problems.

Most assignments start small.

Let’s not be under the illusion that the service provider is going to start a relationship with signing a 12-month deal or an 18-month deal.

It’s going to start with a very small project.

But it’s a question of how do you approach that project?

How do you deliver value to that client while delivering on that project?

Are you focused only on those specific deliverables that you have contracted to deliver? Or in that process? Have you gone two steps forward, right, in terms of either trying to solve some problems that the customer might not have been aware of? Or might have been giving you insights into things that at least have contacted you to do it?

So I think the whole question of building a long term relationship with the customer stems from what is it that you are investing in that customer. Are you treating it as a transactional relationship or are you making an investment in him?

And if again, pardon my getting philosophy here for a moment, right? There’s something which I have learned and learned the very hard way right after having spent many years of having worked in professional services and it is that I have realized people come to you right, because you give them something of value right when they need it right and not because you take something away from them, right.

In the process of giving right, you probably stand to gain far more than what you have actually given to your customer.

And I am saying this based on many years of experience where multiple client relationships have been transactional.

And today, over the last few years when I have been able to reasonably successfully change this orientation, I am today proud to say that I have at least five or six client relationships which have spanned multiple years where the clients come To me consistently, again and again, to help them address some of those problems. They treat me as a trusted partner. And I can see that what’s worked in some of those contexts is my orientation towards some of them.

So I would say this is possibly one way in which you could approach the entire process of trying to create a long term relationship with clients, right, and therefore deliver far greater value to them as well as for yourself.

RK: Perfect, So how does it lead to someone creating a predictable pipeline? Right.

Sriram: So I think we started off with that, and we digress. But so the point is, the more you are able to have long term relationships with the client, right?

The more is going to be the predictability of your work, right? You can contract in multiple ways, right? I’m not too fussed about the commercials or the contracting process, right? But as you tend to have more and deeper relationships with clients, right, the more is a probability that you’re going to keep getting engaged with them on a consistent basis.

Which means at any given point of time, you know, over the next six months, you know that if I am today working with 10 clients, you know that out of these 10 clients that are these four clients who are going to be, we’re going to be giving me work, which could be equal to ‘X’ lakhs of value over the next quarter or the next two quarters, right. And therefore, that breeds in the predictability in the pipeline.

We say be in a situation wherein every month or every quarter, I’m starting off with a blank slate, and I need to fund for my next piece of revenue. So I think the key to the entire puzzle is in terms of say, focus on building long term relationships with your customers.

It’s not possible it’s going to happen with every customer that is still going to be every customer who wants to start off as a short term relationship, But it is what you invest in that relationship. It is how you go about solving the problems of those clients.

Let’s be under no illusion. As a service provider, you’re not going to be able to solve all of it. problems that your client has asked you to solve. You might be able to realistically add the best solved three out of those five, but the way in which you approach the entire process.

What are you putting into that relationship would come out very visible to everyone in that process, right your effort, your honesty of purpose and intention, all this will show and most importantly, if your client starts to realize that he has my best interest at heart, right, the relationship is going to start strengthening and deepening and in that process, you’re going to start getting more predictable work. And that is all your predictability of your pipeline is going in.

RK: Perfect, So let me try to summarize this show. The key to Predictable Revenue is in recurring revenue.

Like right now like a long time long term recurring revenue, not just short term projects. At the same time, an entrepreneur must shift the focus of a from a transactional relationship with the customer, Wherein the entrepreneur treats the customers as an account. Rather, build real relationships with them. Try to add as much value as you can to them. Right?

And win them over for life, that way the entrepreneur can get more Predictable Revenue because it’s consistent it’s a month on month revenue stream rather than just a project-based work.

Plus also the customer can give you multiple referrals, multiple interactions and you know, other opportunities, keeping your pipelines full at all times.

Sriram: Sure, yeah, most certainly. So I think it’s not an either-or kind of a scenario, right? So the challenge is going to be if today I have X amount of revenue or X number of customers, what percentage of those customers or what percentage of those revenues are going to be coming from long term predictable sustainable client relationships right?

So when you’re going to start off, it might be one out of 10 it might be 10% of your total revenue. But the key to that is to try and keep raising the bar, right. And you keep raising the bar, possibly by doing some of those things that I just shared with you right now.

RK: Excellent! Sriram, Thanks so much for sharing these words of wisdom with us.

How can my audience find an opportunity to connect with you?

Sriram: Sure! they’re most welcome to drop me an email at [email protected] all in small-case, and I would be more than glad to have a chat with them and potentially be a value to them.

RK: Excellent. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m going to put this on your contact details on the show notes but are you also on LinkedIn?

Sriram: Oh yeah, I’m most certainly on LinkedIn all that they need to do is type M P Sriram and I’m sure they would find me on LinkedIn, we also have our website which is

So all that they need to do is maybe possibly go and do is Google M P Sriram at Aventus and I’m sure they would, they would find me in the space.

RK: Excellent! for the audience for listening while driving or when you don’t have a computer in front of you. Just come back to the Growth Launchpad podcast site and then you will find all the notes inside the podcast episode. 

So you’ll also find the checklist of a summary of everything that we discussed so far. And that is you can download that on our website when you visit it.

Thank you so much. again Sriram for being our esteemed guest on a podcast. And thank you again and let’s meet again soon.

Sriram: Yeah, thanks a lot RK for the opportunity. My pleasure.

RK: Thank you.

Sriram: Thank you.


You can connect with M.P Sriram on LinkedIn and visit Aventus to know more about Sriram’s work.


Radhakrishnan KG


Entrepreneur. Musician. Foodie. Traveler. Growth Hacker.

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